Our Top Packing Tips

With sky high prices for hold luggage and a move amongst budget airlines towards smaller 'free' hand luggage allowances, packing has never been more important.

Here are some of our top packing tips to help you travel better and avoid having to pay hefty extra fees. Spoiler alert; packing prep is just as important as packing itself.

Before you begin

Always make a list of things to take

Sounds obvious, but so few of us do it and it is by far the easiest way to ensure you pack the the things you really need. Remember, you only need to do it once - save it to your phone or write it down and keep it in your suitcase for next time you travel to give your future self a head start.

Pack Early

We're not saying that you should get your suitcase out too far in advance (nobody wants that cluttering up the room) but definitely give yourself the time to pack in a way that ensures that you aren't facing any time pressures. Last-minute packers often forget essential things.

Check the weather

Knowledge is power. See what the weather is like at your destination before you start packing - it may be warmer or cooler than you think. Use this to inform your packing decisions. If you are unsure, pack clothes that can be worn in layers so that you can adapt to your conditions.

Don’t overpack

We've all taken things away with us that we haven't touched. Lay out your clothes beforehand and then remove anything you realistically won’t need. Generally, we find that if you have to question whether you are actually going to need something, you are probably ok to leave it at home. Focus on getting the essentials right and go from there.

Let's get down to it

Roll your clothes - don’t fold them.

We've tried all of the different packing styles and found this to be by far the best. Not only is it more space-efficient but in spite of what you may think, we noticed less creases when unpacking compared to folding.

Every bit of space counts

You can't afford dead space when packing. Use the cavities inside shoes for smaller items like underwear, chargers or travel plugs.

Pack heavier items at the bottom of your bag.

Top heavy luggage is a big no no. Pack the heavier items towards the bottom of your bag to improve stability when maneuvering a wheelie trolley and to help ensure backpacks are less likely to tip over if you place them on the floor. Your lighter items are less likely to be crushed using this technique, too.

Wear your bulky items

If it’s appropriate, save space by wearing any big coats or boots to the airport instead of packing them. A big coat can take up the space of several garments when packed so wear it to the airport (if you need to take it at all). Also, remember that aircraft cabins are generally quite cold, so you'll be doing yourself a favour in this respect too.

Keep your essentials close

Your toiletries and travel documents should be the last thing you pack. Put them in an accessible place so you can remove them easily when going through airport security.